Cards Against Democracy

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Ted Yoho: 4 of Clubs

Congressman Yoho, Let’s start with what you deserve some credit for. After all, you did not endorse giving loaded weapons to pre-school kids like Congressman Joe Wilson did when he was famously punked by Sacha Baron Cohen. You also recognized the strategic importance of matters involving Mongolia (seriously). On Mongolia you are an outlier, and we hope that others will pick up this issue in your stead given the way that corner of the planet is rolling. Finally, you did keep to your intention of leaving Congress more or less on schedule.

You were so close! to slipping unnoticed into the background of history. Then you goofed royally by behaving in a spectacularly unstatesmanlike manner (and un-fatherly manner) in front of too many witnesses to allow plausible deniability. And your non-apology from the floor of the House was just a squandered opportunity to show your better self and some sincere contrition. It could have / should have been an historic speech on decorum and mutual respect. We don’t know quite who showed up to give your apology, but if it was your better self then, buddy, you have something to work on in retirement. Do you still have time to truly own your mistakes, denounce your overtly racist president?