Kay-Lie Maga-Ninny: When it Comes to Lying, You’re a Perfect 10

Kayleigh M., Like other press secretaries in the Cards Against Democracy, you are in the ten slot, and you’re a diamond.

There have be so many in your role. The Donald changes press secretaries like a #ProudBoy changes his wife-beater undershirt (about once a month), so how did you earn one of the first four positions in our deck? The last straw was probably when you accused a reporter of not having curiosity about ballots purported thrown in a river (#whereistheriver) and simultaneously refused to answer his &^%$#! question about that very issue. No doubt the reporter was especially vexed at your disrespectful tone because he was a representative of Trump’s personal propaganda service, also known as Faux “news”.

Being the explainer in chief for a compulsive liar and malignant narcissist has to have been an incredibly difficult job, we just wish you would have done it with greater regard for professional ethics and your own personal integrity.


Ted Yoho: 4 of Clubs