Moscow Mitch: You’re the Ace of Spades

Dear Moscow Mitch: Our mail-in ballots have been counted and you have been elected to the position of Ace of Spades in the first edition of Cards Against Democracy. Here below are the deciding factors resulting in your being a Spade, which, lets face it, is the Slytherin House among the suits.

  • Your uber-hypocritical efforts to ram through a Trump court appointee in the final weeks before an election after blocking Obama’s appointments owing to an election year;

  • Your blocking of witnesses during the impeachment of Donald Trump;

  • The fact that you, unlike sycophants hand selected by Trump, were elected and had independent authority, which you refused to exercise; nearly every time you had a choice between your sworn oath to uphold the Constitution or your desire to prop up the Donald you chose selfishly and injudiciously.

  • The millions your PAC received from the Russian mob at the same time you were clearing the way for their dumping money into Kentucky assets.

We hope you like the portrait.


Ted Yoho: 4 of Clubs


The Art of Accountability